
We can affirm that this building can be understood through the dimension of use: a tourist information post. But this statement should not be understood from programmatic functionalism, but rather from what a facility represents that drives the visit to different attractions. It is usually associated that these types of buildings must have an iconic shape, and many times allegorically associated with the destinations they promote. We were facing this problem in a rather chaotic part of the city. Characterized by the high speed on National Route 12 and its collectors, transition between urbanity and rurality, diverse infrastructural and institutional architectures such as the bus station and a police station. In addition, being a State building (financing is done by the National Government and execution by the Provincial Government), it was going to have a limited budget and also little investment in its long-term maintenance.

面对这些变数,在设计过程中连续削减预算后,该建筑在以下决定的基础上得到了解决。在快速流通路线和建筑之间有一个广场,空旷,中间。这将在稍后阶段建成,并将用于举办文化活动、手工艺品交易会和露天旅游促销活动。该建筑是一个6x12x6米的平行四边形,放置在地块的最高层。就像它是一个山丘一样,它的一部分是 “空 “的,用来容纳公共服务项目。而在打算用于服务、住房基础设施的区域,以及有必要产生被动策略以关注当地严格的气候的地方,它仍然是 “满的”。其特点是高温、高湿和强烈的太阳入射。建筑物的立体形象因其石皮而得到加强。这是由红色砂砾制成的,是当地的一种石材,具有良好的热行为和高贵的老化。在其厚重的形象和其表面的色泽中,该建筑开始与先前存在的建筑建立归属关系:耶稣会-瓜拉尼建筑群的遗迹,人类的遗产;在更近的时间,与流行的建筑,在砂岩中找到最喜欢的涂层。

Faced with these variables, and after successive budget cuts during the design process, the building is resolved based on the following decisions: A square, void, intermediate between the fast circulation routes and the building. This will be built at a later stage and will serve to host cultural events, craft fairs, and open-air tourism promotions. The building is a parallelepiped of 6x12x6 meters, placed at the highest level of the lot. As if it were a massif, it is “empty” in one part to house the public service program. And it remains “full” in the areas intended for services, housing infrastructure, and where it is necessary to generate passive strategies for attention to the rigorous local climate. Characterized by high temperature, high humidity, and strong solar incidence. The stereotomic image of the building is reinforced by its stone skin. This, made of red grit, is a local stone with good thermal behavior and noble aging. In its heavy image and the chromatism of its surface, the building begins to establish relationships of belonging with the pre-existing architectures: the vestiges, heritage of humanity, of the Jesuit-Guarani complex; and closer in time, to the popular architecture that finds in the sandstone a favorite coating.


In this way, iconicity is built through the emptiness of the square, the abstract form, and the sandstone skin. Thus, the proposed architecture is a cluster of simple, quasi-simplistic decisions that seek to build a synthetic response that addresses all the complexities of the project described.

Architects: ENNE Arquitectura
Area : 72 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Elisa Keo
Manufacturers : Sika, Durlock, Isover, Nemetschek, ACINDAR, Aluar, Sinteplast, Ternium, Trimble Navigation, VASA
Lead Architects : Marcela Gadea, Matías Taborda
Associate Architect : Eduardo Varela
Engineering : Alberto Andrada
Collaborator : Rocío Danchuk
City : San Ignacio
Country : Argentina