2011年11月标志着萨尔皮边境检查站的完工。由J. MAYER H.建筑师设计的海关检查站位于格鲁吉亚与土耳其的边境,在黑海之滨。凭借其悬臂式的梯田,该塔楼被用作观景平台,在多个层面上可以俯瞰水面和海岸线的陡峭部分。

November 2011 marks the completion of Sarpi Border Checkpoint. Designed by J. MAYER H. architects the customs checkpoint is situated at the Georgian border to Turkey, at the shore of the Black Sea. With its cantilevering terraces, the tower is used as a viewing platform, with multiple levels overlooking the water and the steep part of the coastline.


In addition to the regular customs facilities, the structure also houses a cafeteria, staff rooms and a conference room. The building welcomes visitors to Georgia, representing the progressive upsurge of the country.

Architects: J. Mayer H. Architects
Year : 2011
Photographs :Jesko Malkolm Johnsson-Zahn, Beka Pkhakadze, Ucha Tsotseria
Manufacturers : Penetron
Client : Ministry of Finance of Georgia
Project Team : Juergen Mayer H., Jesko Malkolm Johnsson-Zahn, Christoph Emenlauer
Country : Georgia