圣保罗办事处VOA Arquitetura有机会与客户一起发展新成立的公司的所有形象。整个项目的出发点是公司的名称:”Sastre”,在西班牙语中的意思是 “under measure”。重要的是,办公室要有一个年轻和轻松的设计,但同时要反映出信任、透明度和严肃性。

The São Paulo office VOA Arquitetura had the opportunity to develop together with the clients the whole identity of the newly created company. The starting point for the whole project was the name of the company: “Sastre, which in Spanish means “under measure”. It was important that the office had a young and relaxed design, but at the same time reflected trust, transparency and seriousness.


The result was the creation of a pathway, marked by the contrast between the floors, the wall, and the lighting. This path leads the visitor from the entrance to the meeting rooms, passing through the staff, where the environments are integrated and transparent.

所选择的材料有助于在一个具有年轻活力的办公室之间找到一个中间点,但同时也带来了参与金融市场的环境所需要的严肃性。开放式的设计,从任何地方都可以看到一切,浴室、厨房和C.P.D.的客厅都被美国橡木的木板 “隐藏 “起来。项目中另一个引人注目的元素是镂空的金属书架,它将休息室与员工区隔开,但却没有成为视觉障碍。

The selected materials help to find a middle ground between an office with a young dynamic, but at the same time bringing the seriousness that an environment involved in the financial market needs. With an open plan, where it is possible to see everything from everywhere, the bathrooms, the kitchen, and the C.P.D.’s living room are “hidden” by a wood panel in American oak. Another striking element in the project is the hollowed-out metal bookcase, which separates the lounge from the staff area, but without being a visual barrier.

该项目的一个不同之处在于被称为 “非正式 “的会议室,客户的愿望是该环境具有家庭的面貌和舒适性。作为对公司名称及其理想的补充,我们与Adriana和Carlota Atelier的塑料艺术家一起创造了一个独家壁画,并为该公司量身定做。

A differential of the project is the meeting room that was denominated as “informal”, where the client’s desire was that the environment had the face and comfort of a home. As a complement, tied to the name of the company and its ideals, we joined the artists Adriana and Carlota Atelier to create an exclusive mural tailored to the company.

Architects: VOA Arquitetura
Area : 140 m²
Year : 2017
Photographs :Rafael Renzo
Manufacturers : Ajalumi, Botteh, Dpot, Marcetex, Portobello