该提案的目标是将位于里斯本Mouraria区Largo da Severa的一个住房单元改造成一个名为Casa da Severa的文化设备。

The proposal has as its goal the transformation of a housing unit located at Largo da Severa, Mouraria distric, Lisbon, into a cultural equipment called Casa da Severa.


The building, originally composed of three storey and an attic and a total of six independent apartments, presented several structural problems as well as scarce living conditions, such as precarious sanitation facilities and very small and narrow spaces.


In order to adapt it to its new programme, we’ve opted to demolish its whole interior, preserving the façade and its strong presence in the urban fabric of the area.

Casa da Severa有一个咖啡馆/餐厅,可以通过楼梯直接从广场进入,作为公共空间的一个延续。它的主要房间利用其内部中空的最大高度,其最高点为6.50米,其内部的一面墙准备用于视频投影。

Casa da Severa features a café/restaurant that can be accessed directly from the square by a staircase, which acts as a continuation of the public space. Its main room takes part of the maximum height available taking advantage of having hollowed its interior, having at its highest point 6,50 m. One of the walls of its interior is prepared for video projection.


The ground-floor is where technical areas are located, kitchen, lavatory and storage. An elevator allows for disabled people to access all the spaces.

The external staircase acts as an extension of the inner space. Due to its reduced dimension, only 24 m2, we’ve opted to to allow for its extension towards the outside. On warm days, fado can be sung on the upper outdoor landing, transforming it into a stage that opens towards the square and into the city.

Architects: José Adrião
Area : 2014 m²
Year : 2012
Photographs :Hugo Santos Silva
General Contractor : AGP, Arada Gestão de Participações
Structural Engineer : MB – Engenharia
Services Engineer : MB – Engenharia
Site Supervision : Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Client : Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Design Team : Margarida Lameiro, Ricardo Aboim Inglez, Carla Gonçalves, João Matos, Tiago Pereira
Site Supervision : Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
City : Lisbon
Country : Portugal