该项目是基于巩固San Pedro Cajonos社区的必要性而出现的,该社区在瓦哈卡州的Sierra Norte地区拥有较高的丝绸生产。由于该地区的地形,该项目包括寻找正确的形式来解决和出现每个体积,并为两种选择创造一个通道:平台内的垂直或对角线。平台的目的是尊重原有的树木,并产生一系列的坡道,有足够的坡度将你从一个地方分散到另一个地方。在每个平台之间,我们寻找内部-外部的相关性,标记景观,并寻找每个空间之间的适当过渡,这些空间的特点和温度彼此不同。

The project emerges based on the necessity to consolidate the community of San Pedro Cajonos with a higher silk production within the Sierra Norte in the state of Oaxaca. Due to the topography in the region, the project consists of finding the correct form to settle and emerge each volume and create a pathway for two options: the perpendicular or diagonal angles within the platforms. The purpose of the platforms is to respect the pre-existing trees and generate a series of ramps that have an adequate slope to disperse you from one place to another. Between each platform, we search for the correlation of interior-exterior, marking the landscape and searching for an adequate transition between each space, whose characteristics and temperature vary between one another.


The diagonal solution on the slope gave us an interesting functional criteria, generating a triangular grid over the site, one that could either stretch or shrink in the virtue of each function or space, thus originating a series of edges outside and within the design to create tension between each of the different bodies/volumes.


The material selection has two important connotations on the project: the first responds directly to a structural function, creating a structural grid that covers wide spaces, generating a transparency with light transitions between the volumetric bodies. The second, is the search for a better behavior from the material through time, that being of a public building, maintaining a low cost maintenance is important, and as such the aging of the concrete will be able to generate an amalgam between the building and the context.


The pedestrian access, a brick pathway, guides you towards the main door and makes a turn at the end for another ramp, one that takes you to the roof terraces. Inside, the interior circulations permit a fluent transit for the handicapped and elderly in reach of the main spaces that showcase historical artifacts used by ancestors while permiting the overlook of the initial activities of the silk worm cultivation process. The different rooftops that are connected through bridges and inclined roofs with adequate slope make a passage through the canopy of the trees within and outisde of the project, allowing the visitors to enjoy the great views of the Sierra Norte Mountain range and the surrounding ladscape.

Architects: LAMZ Arquitectura
Area: 6383 ft²
Photographs:Onnis Luque
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, GRAPHISOFT, Cemex, DuPont, Adobe Systems Incorporated, CHOVATEK, Fester, Helvex, Lincoln, S.L. LIGHTING, Tecnolite, Trimble Navigation, Tuboplus
Lead Architect: Luis Alberto Martínez Zuñiga
Design Team:Jehú Pinacho Reyes, Josué Pacheco Santiago, Eduardo García Pérez, Alejandro Santiago Méndez, Fernando Ruiz García, Christian Emilio Hernández Aquino, Eduardo Hernández Núñez, Nancy Gonzales Santos.
Clients:Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca
Engineering:Ing. Juan Pablo Acevedo Pérez
Collaborators:Manuel Salvador Copca, Yurik Kifuri, José Ángel Herrera
City:San Pedro Cajonos