Photharam的精神 渴望探索和尝试一些超现代的东西,我受到启发,深思熟虑地考察这个地区。找到关于这个地方的象征性的东西,肯定会给建筑增加魅力和意义。在仔细研究了该地区后,我发现了一个有趣的特点,它可以完美地结合在一起,为构图说明一个非同寻常的细微差别。在过去,这块土地被用来制造剑,所以我捡到了一个迷人的想法。因为剑是由钢制成的,用钢来锻造一些重要的、令人难忘的东西会很有趣。一旦我确定了这个想法,我决定将时间问题纳入其中。钢是一种会导致生锈并会随着时间侵蚀的材料。我决定利用这种材料,并将其与设计和布局相结合,这将与设置在该地区中央的这棵巨大的树完美地结合起来。

Spirit of Photharam Eager to explore and experiment with something ultramodern, I was inspired to examine the area thoughtfully. To find something symbolic about the place would certainly add charm and meaning to the architecture. After meticulously studying the area, I found an interesting characteristic that would tie in perfectly to illustrate an extraordinary nuance to the composition. Back in the day, the land was used for sword making, so I picked up on a fascinating idea. Because swords are made of steel, using steel to forge something significant and memorable would be interesting. Once I settled with the idea, I decided to incorporate the matter of time. Steel is a material that causes rust and will erode over time. I decided to utilize this material and integrate it with the design and layout which will fit flawlessly with this colossal tree set in the middle of the area.


I designed the structure as a tunnel to cover up the fact that the floor was on different levels. A tunnel would act as a walkway toward the river. I wanted to shift the focus towards the enormous tree that would be able to disguise the view of the river. This is where the tunnel comes in play as its main obligation is to make it seem like there’s a great deal of distance and depth, using both material and light, for the concept of time to fall into place.

原本想把时间放在项目的聚光灯下,等待钢铁慢慢生锈和腐蚀,直到最终自然变色,肯定会花费太长时间。因此,我决定通过与光影的配合来找出最佳的定位,让阳光闪耀在其中。设计一个中庭会给隧道带来空间和光线的感觉,然而,我决定设计大量的线性中庭,而不是一个大中庭,以形成水平和垂直的阳光束。 从早上8点到下午5点,我花了一个小时在每个线性中庭上工作,一直工作到隧道的尽头。

Originally wanting to put the time in the spotlight for the project, waiting for steel to rust and erode slowly until it eventually changes its color naturally would certainly take too long. Therefore, I decided to figure out the best positioning by working with light and shadow to allow sunlight to shimmer through. To design an atrium would give a feeling of space and light to the tunnel, however, I decided to design an abundance of linear atriums instead of one big one to form horizontal and vertical beams of sunlight. From 8 am to 5 pm, I spent one hour working on each linear atrium and worked my way until the end of the tunnel.

当游客到达隧道的尽头时,他们将被纯粹的自然、阳光、柔和的微风和蜷缩在这条充足的河边的一棵巨大的树所包围。除了河流之外,游客还会注意到一个池塘。我希望池塘给人以自然的感觉,所以我决定使用河水,因为每个季节的颜色都会发生变化。无论它是清澈、浑浊还是红色,都会比使用氯气或盐水显得更加有机。树的倒影打在水面上,无疑传达了 “时间的维度”。整个空间的中心部分在二楼的阳台上,看起来像一个潜水平台,而不是一个阳台。游客可以站在平台上拍摄风景如画的照片,他们的倒影会美丽地打在池塘的表面。

When visitors reach the end of the tunnel, they’ll be surrounded by pure nature, sunlight, the soft breeze, and a gigantic tree huddled by this ample river. Apart from the river, visitors will also notice a pond. I wanted the pond to feel natural, so I decided to use river water as the color changes through each season. Whether it’s clear, cloudy, or red, it would seem much more organic than using chlorine or saltwater. The reflection of the tree hitting the water’s surface certainly communicates the “dimension of time”. The center part of the whole space is on the balcony on the second floor and looks like a diving platform, rather than a balcony. Visitors will be able to take picturesque photos of themselves standing on the platform where their reflection will hit beautifully on the pond’s surface.


Not wanting the restaurant to cover up its natural landscape, I decided to locate it in the corner. As the element of water is a precious commodity and plays a huge role in the design, the pond surrounds the entire structure. The construction of the building was partly inspired by the authentic Thai style, arch-shaped, with a slightly curved roof. With this project, I was keen on combining subtleness, state-of-the-art, and most importantly, history to compose a fresh and contemporary framework and bring it into existence.

Architects: Backyard Architect
Area : 900 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Thanes Piamnamai
Landscape Architect : Backyard Architect
Interior Designer : Backyard Architect
Design Team : Saree Sodsangaroonngam, TK Sangsomruang
Country : Thailand