The Star别墅,作为Mo Stay项目的一部分,是一个 “翻新 “项目,建立在三个主要因素上。连接性 – 本地性 – 可持续性。依偎在松树林中的星星别墅是一个鼓舞人心的度假空间,它将现有的景观元素融合到房子中,在人与自然之间建立起一种联系。The Star被低矮的Taluy河岸所包围,为了避免大雨将岩石卷进房子,我们用石头台阶来创造一个自然墙,既不影响自然状态,又避免了山体滑坡。设计团队找到了一种方法来创造一个经得起时间考验的项目,使用高度本地化的可持续材料,如石头、松木、混凝土和钢材以及砖块,建造一个适合自然环境的建筑。

Villa of The Star, a “renovation” project as a part of the Mo Stay project, is built on three main factors: Connectivity – Locality – Sustainability. Nestled in the pine forest, Villa of The Star is an inspiring resort space that blends existing landscape elements into the house, creating a connection between people and nature. The Star is surrounded by a low taluy bank, to avoid heavy rain that can sweep rocks into the house, we use stone steps to create a natural wall, both do not affect the natural state and avoid landslides. The design team found a way to create a project that endures with time, using sustainable materials that are highly local, such as stone, pine wood, concrete and steel, and bricks, to build a construction suitable for the natural context.

从远处看,房子有三个主要的区块:下部用纠结的石头覆盖,为2个区块的尖顶创造了坚实的支撑感,这些尖顶由天然木材制成,上面有棕色和黑色两种颜色。上述材料与周围的景观有联系,在建筑和自然之间创造了一种和谐。让人们尽可能地接近自然,主要的想法是,从房子里面,你仍然可以感受到外面、森林里面的风景变化。为了做到这一点,The Star使用了大玻璃窗,并有选择地进行排列,以提供一个良好的视角来欣赏整个森林,自然光可以从四面八方照进空间。

From afar, the house has three main blocks: the lower part is clad with tangled stone, creating a feeling of solid support for 2 blocks of pointed roofs made of natural wood with 2 colors brown and black above. The above materials have a connection with the surrounding landscape, creating a harmony between architecture and nature. Bringing people as close to nature as possible, the main idea is that from inside the house, you still feel the change of scenery outside, inside the forest. To do this, The Star uses large glass windows with a selective arrangement to provide a good viewing angle to admire the whole forest, natural light can shine into the space from all sides.


Modified pine wood, known for its moisture resistance, mildew resistance, termite resistance, heat resistance, stability, durability, and environmental friendliness, was chosen by the design team as the main material for the house. The ceiling, walls, and floor are all paneled with modified pine wood. The choice of wood tones from light to dark in each specific position can add depth to the space as well as avoid monotony when using one material. Villa of The Star is a gathering place for families and groups of friends to relax and have fun together. Therefore, the privacy factor as well as the community factor must always be ensured. Grinding concrete floors are used in the common living space (living room – kitchen), it is both a highlight to make the space more outstanding, as well as a distance between the public space and the private space.

公共生活空间–厨房完全由大玻璃门扩大,通向室外,创造了灵活性,直接连接了室内和室外。宽敞通风的室外空间适合举办欢乐的烧烤派对或在温暖的壁炉旁聚会。新一天的黎明,寒冷的日子里的雾气,鸟鸣声,雨滴落在门廊前的树叶上的声音,细雨过后的灿烂彩虹。The Star项目的别墅由建筑师和投资者共同规划,在城市混乱和喧闹的生活之后,给人们的心灵带来治愈和舒缓的体验。

The common living space – the kitchen is completely expanded by large glass doors leading to the outdoor area, creating flexibility, and connecting directly inside and out. The spacious and airy outdoor space is suitable for joyful BBQ parties or gathering by the warm fireplace. The dawn of a new day, the fog on cold days, the sound of birdsong, the sound of rain falling on the leaves in front of the porch, a brilliant rainbow after the drizzle. The Villa of The Star project is planned by the architect and the investor to bring a healing and soothing experience to the soul after the chaotic and noisy life in the city.

Architects: APS Concept
Area : 335 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Quang Tran
Manufacturers : MOEN, PANDOMO, The Box, Xingfa
Design Team : Hung Vo, Phan Thanh Dien, Duong Le, Trinh Phoi Phoi, Dao Van Hieu, Phu Le, Hung Le
Design And Building Team : APS Concept
City : Dalat
Country : Vietnam