IJburg是阿姆斯特丹东部的一个新区。在它的六个人工岛上,最终将为45000名居民建造18000个住宅。目前,该区只有16,000名居民。有许多举措来吸引人们到该地区,如Blijburg aan Zee的海滩,以及新成立的IJburg网球俱乐部本身。

IJburg is a new district to the east of Amsterdam. On its six artificial islands, 18,000 homes will be eventually be built for 45,000 residents. At present, the district holds just 16,000 of these inhabitants. There are many initiatives to attract people to the area, such as the beach at Blijburg aan Zee, and the newly formed IJburg Tennis Club itself.


The tennis club, currently with 1100 members, has 10 clay courts and a tennis school. The new club house will be the centre of the club’s activities. The zoning for the area allowed space for a tennis club, but a building could not be built quickly enough, and so the courts were made and a temporary facility installed.


MVRDV’s design will now fill this gap with an iconically functional building which provides both a viewing platform and a club overlooking the water. The aim of the club is to be as accessible as possible, meaning that it is open to the public, free of charge, 365 days a year. Not a private club, but a meeting place for young and old, where you can grab a coffee and a healthy snack, or meet with friends, or even just check your emails.


MVRDV’s challenge was to create a building that works as a central gathering for the area. A living room for IJburg, where the building becomes a part of the community like piece of street furniture.

俱乐部的房子是一个长的开放体量,两侧有服务设施,如更衣室、厨房、储藏室和厕所。主空间是多功能的,所以它可以用于俱乐部的许多活动。屋顶向南侧倾斜,向北侧抬高至7米高,为俱乐部创造了一个非正式的护民官。 北侧宽大的玻璃面允许大量的自然采光,并提供了IJ湖水的视野。

The club house is a long open volume with services on either side such as dressing rooms, a kitchen, storage and toilets. The main space is multifunctional, so it can be used for the club’s many events. The roof dips down towards the south side and is raised towards the north up to a height of seven metres, creating an informal tribune for the club. The wide glass front to the north side allows extensive natural lighting and provides a view out over the waters of the IJ-lake.


Inside the club house, the concrete construction is clad with FSC-certified wood, with the outside fully sealed with an EPDM polymer hotspray in the same colour and texture as the clay tennis courts. The reduced glass surface to the south helps to cool the building. The thermal mass characteristics of the materialisation in concrete and wood are used to reach a high degree of energy efficiency.


The building will be heated with district heating made efficient by a heat exchange system. In summer there will be natural ventilation, adding to the ambitious sustainability profile of the structure.

MVRDV的联合创始人和建筑师Winy Maas说:”通过沙发,我们将体育融入社会。通过将会所的屋顶变成一个护城河,一个中心球场被创造出来。在这里,我们庆祝业余球员的天赋,他们在公众面前接受挑战,表现出色。通过用红色聚氨酯覆盖整个建筑,俱乐部获得了知名度:一个运动和运动的广告。该建筑的本质是刺激健身,并与肥胖和不运动作斗争。- 温尼-马斯

‘With the Couch, we have integrated sport into society’ says MVRDV co-founder and architect Winy Maas. ‘By turning the roof of the club-house into a tribune, a Centre Court is created. Here we celebrate the talent of the amateur players who are challenged to excel in front of the public. By covering the entire building in red polyurethane the club gains visibility: an advert for sports and movement. The essence of the building is the stimulation of fitness and the fight against obesity and inactivity.’ – Winy Maas

Architects: MVRDV
Area: 322 m²
Year: 2015
Photographs: Daria Scagliola+Stijn Brakkee
Structural Engineer: ABT
Contractor: Romijn Bouw
Design Team:Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries, Renske van der Stoep, Pepijn Bakker, Arjen Ketting, Sanne van der Burgh, Cristina Gonzalo, Rosa Rogina.
Co Architect:Studio Bouwhaven bv.
Country:The Netherlands