为了让用户从混乱的城市生活中解脱出来,我们希望通过流动的循环来丰富用户的体验,这是由建筑元素中的有机形式和 “宁静 “的感觉所创造的。此外,灵活使用定制设计的活动家具模块,在项目中获得了不同的空间感知和视角,该项目是由Zemberek Design为一家成熟的纺织公司Ulupınar Tekstil设计的。

To detach the users from the chaotic city life was intended by enriching the experience with fluid circulation which is created with preferring organic forms in construction elements and the feeling of “serenity” that accompanies. Also, flexible usage of the custom-designed movable furniture modules procures the variable space perception and perspectives in the project, which was designed by Zemberek Design for a well-established textile company, Ulupınar Tekstil.


The showroom areas are designed to host fashion designers of retail brands. By focusing on the designers who are the main users, it was aimed to create alternative working setups that would allow visitors to own the space as their office.

其中一个重要的设计标准是,在访客体验的每一个阶段都能让人感受到 “宁静”,与建筑外部密集的城市格局形成对比。在建筑的主入口处,我们倾向于采用一种平静而温和的设计,几乎是作为展厅区域的使者。在整个建筑中,它的目的是为参观者建立一个愉快的循环场景,通过弯曲的墙体,它并不决定其路线,而是引导其自然流动。

One of the important design criteria was, to procure the feeling of “serenity” inside in every phase of the visitor experience, in contrast to the dense city pattern that the building appertains outside. At the main entrance of the building, a calm and gentle design was preferred, almost as a messenger of the showroom areas. Throughout the building, it was intended to establish a pleasant circulation scenario for the visitors through the curvilinear walls that do not dictate its route but direct it with its natural flow.

通过创造一个外壳,用透光板排除周围的城市格局,提供一个完全内敛的体验设置。这种内敛的设置也是通过在建筑元素中更倾向于有机形式和定制设计的活动家具模块的 “流动性 “来创造的。此外,密度和复杂性等概念也被特别排除在设计过程之外。

A completely introverted experience set up was provided by creating a shell that excludes the surrounding city pattern with light-permeable panels. This introverted setup is also created with preferring organic forms in construction elements and the “fluidity” of the custom-designed movable furniture modules. Furthermore, concepts such as density and complexity were especially kept out of the design process.


The journey of the users in four main showrooms has been designed as a holistic and as well as partitioned flow. While these sections are separated from each other by circular plans that are defined in different sizes according to product varieties and quantity, the boundaries of the circular areas are connected to each other by walls that rise and fall in harmony with curvilinear lines completed with transparent surfaces.


Main showrooms are designed with interlocking double layered circular schemes that keep the visitor in the center. The outer layer is created with fixed structural elements and exhibition elements integrated into them and the inner layer is defined by exhibition modules moving on a circular track on the floor. The intertwined connection formed by the circular layers with each other and with the outer shell enables coincidental perspectives.

设计语言和材料决定的发展反映了公司产品系列中感受到的朴素和优雅的语言统一。完整性已经实现了 “简单”,这是该公司的原则之一,其产品的 “轻盈 “概念,曲线表面将空间划分为几个部分,并在调色板中选择中性色调。手工定制的细节设计,并选用黄铜、大理石、木材等材料,使展览模块多样化,象征着展示产品的丰富性和关怀。

The design language and material decisions are developed to reflect the plain and elegant language unity felt in the company’s product range. Integrity has been achieved with “simplicity” which is one of the principles of the company and the concept of “lightness” of their products, with the curvilinear surfaces that divide the space into sections and the neutral tones selected in the color palette. Handcrafted custom details designed and the materials such as brass, marble, and wood are chosen for exhibition modules diversified as a symbol of the richness and care of the products that are on display.

建筑师:Zemberek Design
面积 : 1070 m²
摄影:Ibrahim Ozbunar
厂家 : Jotun
首席建筑师 : Basak Emrence, Safak Emrence
设计团队:Basak Emrence、Safak Emrence、Ece Ilgın Avcı、Murat Çakan、Fatma Altıntas、Ayse Aybüke Samast、Siar Aras Sahin
城市 : 伊斯坦布尔
Architects: Zemberek Design
Area: 1070 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Ibrahim Ozbunar
Manufacturers: Jotun
Lead Architects: Basak Emrence, Safak Emrence
Design Team:Basak Emrence, Safak Emrence, Ece Ilgın Avcı, Murat Çakan, Fatma Altıntas, Ayse Aybüke Samast, Siar Aras Sahin