
Aperture to create [environment for living] I think opening an opening in the wall is an act of creating an environment for living. I would like to create a fundamental house where the wind, light, and scenery get inside and it feels good to live in. In this house, there is an opening that is adjusted so that the line of sight does not intersect with the building on the adjacent land, and an opening that is sensuously provided so that the light and wind will be comfortable at this position regardless of the surrounding area. By letting both of them live together, we aimed to create a relationship with the neighboring house, a sense of distance from the city, and a relationship that connects parents and children while keeping them apart.

保证金为[小场地] 这是一个沿着市中心的主要街道规划的两户人家的房子,那里的多户建筑、公寓和酒店鳞次栉比。它有一个嵌套的平面结构,外圆周上排列着露台和垂直流线。它有一个露台作为缓冲,一个连续的室外楼梯,一个大而宽敞的内部楼梯,以及一个落脚点,每户的居住空间和两户的共享空间都插在空隙中。通过每层的露台,住户之间形成了松散的联系。

Margin as [small site] It is a two-family house planned along the main street in the city center where multi-tenant buildings, condominiums, and hotels are lined up. It has a nested flat structure with terraces and vertical flow lines arranged on the outer circumference. It has a terrace as a buffer, a continuous outdoor staircase, a large and spacious internal staircase, and a landing, and the occupied space of each household and the shared space of two households are inserted in the gap. Through the terraces on each floor, loose connections between households are created.

虽然露台是半外部的,但它与内部的装修是统一的,虽然内部的楼梯和楼道在被相邻建筑包围的后面,但提供了许多开口,创造了一个明亮的外部空间。此外,在作为父母家庭住所的2楼和作为子女家庭住所的4、5楼之间,有意插入了一个没有明确用途的边缘层。无用的地方占据了这个房子近一半的面积,我们决定将其称为 “小地块”。

Although the terrace is semi-external, it is unified with an internal finish, and although the internal stairs and landing are behind the building surrounded by the adjacent building, many openings are provided to create a bright external space. In addition, between the 2nd floor, which is the residence of the parent household, and the 4th and 5th floors, which are the residences of the child household, a margin level is intentionally inserted that does not specify the purpose. The useless place occupies nearly half of the floor area of this house, and we decided to call it a “small site”.

通过在房子里设置一些小地块,用户设计他们自己的地方,以我们对建筑的思考方式生活。在宽大宽敞的楼梯上喝茶看书,在像房间一样的大平台上工作,在像里面一样的露台上吃午饭,或者把三楼的边缘作为一个摄影棚。.通过在建筑中拥有一个 “小场地”,我们旨在创造一个本能的生活景观,创造一个超越功能的 “生活环境”。

By setting up a number of small lots in a house, users design their own places and live in the same way we think of architecture. Read a book over a cup of tea on the wide and spacious stairs, work on a large landing like a room, have lunch on the terrace like the inside, or use the 3rd floor of the margin as a photo studio. .. By having a “small site” in the building, we aimed to create an instinctive landscape of life and create an “environment for living” that transcends functions.

Architects: OSTR
Area: 69 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Takahiro Idenoshita
Lead Architects: Ryosuke Takei, Sho Ohta OSTR)
Contractor:Chuo Kozo