NDT.304项目集合了意图、经验、历史和多功能性,它完全是为了给一个建于1936年的空间带来新的生命,它位于巴塞罗那的繁华街区Sant Andreu。该项目提倡利用已有的建筑空间(绝不过时),并通过增加设计元素使其适应现在的需求。

The NDT.304 project gathers intentions, experiences, history and versatility, and it’s totally thought to bring new life into a space built in 1936, which is located in Barcelona, in the bustling neighborhood of Sant Andreu. The project promotes the idea of using a pre-existing architectural space (by no means obsolete) and adapting it to the needs of the present by adding design elements.


The project is based on several key elements: the “volta”; the hydraulic tiling and the exposed brick walls. Materials, shapes, geometry and light. The most interesting thing is that all these elements were already part of the preexisting space; we only had to respect them and rethink them to get a completely different ambiance.


At the entrance, we can find a hall connected with the living room thanks to an auxiliary piece of furniture which is used as a storage space, a welcome area and also as a resting area. Right in front of the living room, we can find the KITCHEN, in capital letters; this is the key element of the flat, the soul of the project, as it merges the two styles: tradition and modernity. The traditional structure is respected thanks to the distribution of the flat, as it’s divided into day area and night area; but a new approach is added, when small spaces are avoided to create open and bright spaces, by using different pavements (to differentiate the different spaces) but not using vertical elements for this purpose.

最后,在夜间区域,我们可以发现两间卧室(都拥有一个阳台)和一间浴室。该项目旨在唤起这个区域的宁静和平和的感觉。 这里使用的材料是 “volta “的陶瓷、木头和天花板上的玛瑙元素(与新的门把手相匹配)。

Finally, in the night area, we can find two bedrooms (both boasting a balcony) and a bathroom. The project aims to evoke a feeling of serenity and calm in this area. Here the used materials are the ceramics of the “volta”, the wood and the onyx elements of the ceilings (which match with the new door handles).


The luck of coming across with projects like this is to see again, to feel again and to respect what others have already done. This is the way we understand this project. NDT.304 is a mix of styles and different ways to understand architecture with a unique final result full of character and design.

摄影:Anna Fontanet
制造商: AutoDesk, Carpyen, Planit, TREKU, Adobe Systems Incorporated, KP, Kavehome, Klarstein, TOBISA, ob
牵头建筑师:Josep Maria Valls Zamora + Alejandro Chicote Ruiz
设计团队:Olga Zamora
城市 : 巴塞罗那
Architects: MZAM
Area: 753 ft²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Anna Fontanet
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Carpyen, Planit, TREKU, Adobe Systems Incorporated, KP, Kavehome, Klarstein, TOBISA, ob
Lead Architects: Josep Maria Valls Zamora + Alejandro Chicote Ruiz
Design Team:Olga Zamora