慕尼黑最重要的教堂之一有了新的忏悔室。位于慕尼黑老城区的耶稣会圣米迦勒教堂建于1583年至1597年,供奉大天使米迦勒,在风格上处于文艺复兴到巴洛克的过渡时期。许多建筑理念都是从耶稣会士的罗马母教堂 “II Gesù “那里得到的。慕尼黑的 “迈克尔教堂 “成为德语国家许多巴洛克教堂的典范。圣米歇尔也是巴伐利亚反宗教改革的精神中心。

One of the most important churches in Munich got new confessionals. The Jesuit Church of St. Michael in the old town of Munich, built between 1583 and 1597, is dedicated to Archangel Michael and is stylistically at the transition from Renaissance to Baroque. Many building ideas were adopted from “II Gesù”, the Roman mother church of the Jesuits. The Munich “Michaelskirche” became a model for many baroque churches in German-speaking countries. St. Michael was also the spiritual center of the Counter-Reformation in Bavaria.


Today, this large Renaissance church is a well-known city church that wants to be a spiritual oasis, a home of choice for believers, and an anchor for people who are searching. In the middle of Munich’s pedestrian zone, this church is a space of interruption, of pausing, of silence, of prayer, open to everyone. Daily celebrations of Mass, regular times for discussion and confession characterize the rhythm of the week.


The structure of the fluted columns and pilasters is taken up in the conception of the confessionals. The key material here is wood. The structure of the outer formwork follows the structure of the fluted columns and pilasters. The selected material and design concept carefully refers to the listed building and expands the offer for the faithful in an adequate way.

Architects: kunze seeholzer architekten
Area : 18 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Jann Averwerser
Lead Architects : Stefanie Seeholzer
Design, Execution, Planning : Stefanie Seeholzer, Peter Kunze, Ana Turk, Ziqi Shang
City : München
Country : Germany