Jonathan Higbee(1981)出生并成长于密苏里州西北部,但已将定居纽约十年。他的职业生涯始于Instinct Magazine的编辑助理,在那里他很快成为了旅行记者,为复杂的国际旅行特色制作和摄影。当他搬到纽约并开始拍摄街头照片时,他对摄影的热爱逐渐发展。他的街头摄影获得了多个奖项,包括2015年世界街头摄影大奖,在世界各地展出,最近在巴黎展出,并定期出版。

Jonathan Higbee (1981) was born and raised in Northwestern Missouri but has called New York home for a decade. He began his career as an editorial assistant for Instinct Magazine, where he quickly found his niche as a travel correspondent, producing copy and photography for extensive international travel features. His love for photography evolved when he moved to New York and began making images of the streets. His street photography has won multiple awards, including the 2015 World Street Photography grand prize, is exhibited across the world, most recently in Paris, and is published regularly, with recent features in Huffington Post, GUP Magazine, Fotopolis, Peta Pixel, the Phoblographer and more.

Author: © Jonathan Higbee
