梦–继承马拉塔萨德家族的荣誉和血统,也就是现在的继承人,两兄弟想为他们的家族建造一座新房子。为了他们的荣誉和社会地位,他们希望有一个值得骄傲的装饰品,在他们的祖地,在城市的人群之外,像一个堡垒一样安全地站立。几代人以来,他们一直生活在传统的 “瓦达斯 “中,并形成了一种类似于对受保护的包围圈、内部庭院、外部大型开放区域和耕作的理解的生活方式。因此,他们希望在1.2英亩的土地上有一个建筑表现形式,为他们的集体家庭创造一个独立和自我维持的内部环境。

Dream – Carrying forward the honor and lineage of a family of Maratha sardars, the present heirs, the two brothers wanted to build a new house for their family. For their honor and societal standing they wished for an ornament of pride, standing strong in their ancestral grounds, beyond the crowds of the city, and secure as a fortress. Since generations they have been living in the traditional ‘Wadas’ and have developed a lifestyle of a similar understanding of a protected envelop, internal courts, large external open areas and farming. Accordingly, they wanted an architectural manifestation on a 1.2 acre of land, for their collective family to create an inward environment which will be independent and self-sustain its existence.

概念–因此,在其原则中,试图在传统的理解和现代的生活之间找到一种联系。设计理念从被称为 “Gadi “的地区房屋形式、其元素、空间规划和装饰物与门窗的细节中获得灵感。加迪 “就像一个小堡垒,有厚厚的墙,从外面看是安全的,内部有庭院、阳台、公共区域,创造了一个有趣的开放、半开放和封闭空间的层次结构。所有这些元素都被重新定义,以找到满足当前现代需求和建筑系统的解决方案。在这个过程中,建筑在为当前的需求服务的同时,也吸收了传统的理解,然后建筑作为一个永恒的实体出现。

Concept- Thereby in its very principle, there is an attempt to find a link between the traditional understanding and the modern day life. The design philosophy draws inspiration from the regional house form called ‘Gadi’, its elements, spatial planning and details of ornamentations and fenestrations. ‘A Gadi’ is like a small fortress with thick walls secured from outside, with internal courts, balconies, common areas that create an interesting hierarchy of open, semi open and enclosed spaces. All these elements are then redefined to find solutions that cater to the present modern needs and construction systems. In this process, where architecture is serving the present needs while imbibing traditional understandings, the building then emerges as a timeless entity.

组织–空间组织的灵感来自于 “Khand”–传统建筑中一个人所需的功能空间的模块,其中一套比例和网格已经到位,可以根据不同的空间和目的进行修改。这些模块然后被安排成十字形,保留角落作为呼吸的延伸,向天空开放,并特别衔接以创造不同的体验和满足个人功能。此外,这些模块作为上升的体量被转化为层次,并沿着功能的方向以台阶的形式过渡,作为无定形的实体被束缚在垂直空间中。

Organization- The spatial organization is inspired from the ‘Khand’ – a module derived from functional space required for a single person in traditional architecture, where a set of proportions and grid have been put in place, that can be modified with different spaces and their purpose. These modules are then arranged in a cruciform, retaining the corners as breather extensions that are open to the sky and specifically articulated to create different experiences and cater individual functions. Further these modules transform as ascending volumes into levels that are transitioned with steps morphing along the functions and are bound together as amorphous entities into the vertical space.

包围–该形式源于 “Gadi”(土地堡垒)的概念,由石头和砖头制成的厚厚的墙包围着房子,在遥远的土地上提供安全保障,但在其本身,庆祝生活的细微差别。在设计堡垒时,石头和砖头的材料和美学特征被考虑到了传统的理解。砖和石的结构特点是按照传统的理解来考虑的。墙体是用水平带分层垂直建造的,以方便施工,间距不一。砖是一种轻盈而柔美的材料,在底部的石头上作为肌肉的基础。石头的低层开口是根据水平带的宽度来决定的。这两种材料的融合进一步加强了开孔的效果,使之成为带有砖块曲线的蜂窝状环形结构,使整个结构具有皇冠般的外观。蜂窝状的几何形状根据内部功能为开口的位置和大小提供了灵活性,所有这些都在一个承重结构中。

Envelop- The form originates with the idea of a ‘Gadi’ (land fortress), a thick wall made from stone and brick encompassing the house to provide security in the far lands but within itself, celebrating the nuances of life. The material and aesthetic characteristics of stone and brick are considered with the traditional understandings while designing the fortress. The structural characteristics of brick and stone are considered with respect to traditional understanding. The walls are built with horizontal bands layered upon vertically for ease in construction with varied spacing. Brick being a light and feminine material tops the stone at the bottom as a muscular base. Openings at lower level in stone are according to the width of the horizontal bands. The amalgamation of both materials is further enhanced with openings made like honeycomb loop structure with brick curves, giving the entire structures a crown like appearance. The honeycomb geometry provides flexibility for location and size of the opening according to the internal functions, all in a load bearing structure.


Construction- There has been a strong focus on the integration of traditional construction knowledge of the local artisans. Correspondingly a composite construction methodology has been adopted, with a palette comprising of both natural, local materials as well as modern concrete block technologies, finding appropriate solutions for different structural implications. The external thick load bearing wall has been designed to resist seismic forces and extreme climatic conditions. The internal structure has been built with Reinforced Concrete Blocks for ease of construction and minimization of material usage, to avoid offsets from slabs and walls imparting a modern language of homogenous and clean interior.

中间的台阶和楼梯是用 “Ferrogami “方法设计的,以减少主体结构的整体重量。内部隔断是用轻质木材或石头制成的。内墙采用了传统的石灰粉刷,使空间内的活动流无缝衔接,增强了室内的整体体积。另一方面,外墙庆祝原始材料的粗糙性,如砖和石头。该结构旨在集中试验材料的多功能性,并在现场制作,以促进劳动和提高他们的知识。

Intermediate steps and staircases have been designed with the “Ferrogami” method reducing overall weight on the main structure. The internal partitions have been done in lightweight wood or stone. The inner walls have been rendered with traditional lime stucco to bring seamlessness in the flow of activities inside the spaces enhancing the overall interior volume. On the other hand, the external walls celebrate the rawness of the original materials like brick and stone. The structure intends to intensively experiment with the versatility of the materials and was crafted on the site promoting the labour and enhancing their knowledge.


Sustainability- In the search of timelessness, the house is adapted to sustain over generations with passive systems that maintain suitable living conditions inside the house and minimizing energy usage. It is sensitive to its natural environment, is designed and oriented accordingly and implies maximum use of natural techniques for light, ventilation as well as water and energy conservation.

该结构包含用于自然冷却的风塔和多个带有植物和开口的内部庭院,产生 “文丘里效应 “的负压和正压区。该建筑消耗的能源来自放置在倾斜屋顶和停车棚的光伏太阳能电池板。除了雨水收集系统外,还计划进行适当的污水处理,为厨房花园提供水。厨房花园有可能满足家庭独立生活的日常需要。

The structure contains wind towers for natural cooling and multiple internal courts with plantation and openings producing ‘Venturi effect’ with negative and positive air pressure zones. The building consumes energy from photovoltaic solar panels placed upon sloping roofs and parking shed. Along with rain water harvesting system, proper sewage treatment has been planned which provides water for the kitchen garden. The kitchen garden has the potential to suffice the daily needs of the family for an independent living.


The house can be regarded as a flow of everyday household activities from top to bottom with intermediate pause points and celebratory spaces bound together in a symphony of traditional and modern built environment with a sustainable and independent living approach.

Architects: PMA madhushala
Area: 650 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Hemant Patil
Manufacturers: Hettich, Saint-Gobain, Tata Steel, Duravit, Queo
Design Team:Naresh Shivakoti ,Darshan ,Divya Jyoti, Prasanna Morey
Client:Chetan Khandge
Builder:Chetan Khandge
Stonework:Dnyaneshwar Dhotre and team
Brickwork:Shakeel and team
Ips Flooring:Bhagwandas and team
Architects:PMA madhushala
Structural Consultant:Subduction Zone Consultants
City:Talegaon Dabhade