
From the beginning for our studio it was important to design a villa that had to be contextualized so that the house would be stretched out and placed inside the location.


By integrating the home with the terrain and handling the details to enhance environmental appreciation, this carefully positioned and developed design gains an outdoor treatment in a challenging location.

该项目受到了乌尔津伊海岸线上无数沿海别墅的影响。”山屋 “被简化为纯粹的几何形状,然后进行操作和现代化处理,以利用海景。

The project was influenced by the countless coastal villas that can be found on the Ulcinj coastline. “The Hill House” was simplified to pure geometric shapes and then manipulated and modernized to take advantage of the sea views.

该住宅的设计旨在提供 “各种不同的体验,让业主充分最大化利用外部以及内部。山屋为了受益于海景,定义了一个城市的正面和高度。

The home is designed to provide “a variety of different experiences that allow owners to fully maximize the use of the exterior as well as the interior. The Hill House defines an urban front and height in order to benefit from sea view.


The white, clean and typical Mediterranean windows contribute to a relaxed and bold aesthetic similar to the context structures.


The selection of materials, which also includes native stone, provides the home with a special character that will stand the time.

建筑师:Maden GROUP
面积:320 m²
摄影:Leonit Ibrahimi
厂商:Adria 7
建筑:Ideal Vejsa
Architects: Maden GROUP
Area: 320 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Leonit Ibrahimi
Manufacturers: Adria 7
Architecture:Ideal Vejsa