该作品位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市北部的维森特-洛佩斯(Vicente López)住宅区的一块10 x 33的土地上。该地区的密度很低,一些房屋形成了党墙,另一些则是自由周边,其围栏被枝繁叶茂的植被所包围。

The project is located on a 10 x 33 lot in Vicente López, a residential neighborhood in the north of the city of Buenos Aires. The area has a very low density with some houses that form party walls and others with free perimeter whose fences are resolved with lush vegetation.


Through an alternating succession of courtyards with different proportions and character (buried, level or aerial) the organization of places of use, routes and expansions is defined. The program is resolved on two floors, plus a basement that illuminates and ventilates an English courtyard.


On the first floor, a nucleus consisting of kitchen, staircase and toilette, articulates and delimits the different places of use. The hall is, at the same time, the waiting room of an office that, by means of enclosures, achieves the required privacy. Living room, dining room and kitchen are integrated and their relationship with the exterior is through a wood carpentry, a large eave protects them from rain and sun and frames a wooded view to the north.


Upstairs, the staircase aligned with a courtyard, plus an intimate living room separate the master bedroom from the children’s bedrooms. The structure (beams and slabs) of exposed concrete and wood enclosures, openings, shutters and floors define its material expression.

Architects : Colle-Croce
Year : 2012
Photographs : Gustavo Sosa Pinilla
Suppliers : ACINDAR, VASA
Architects In Charge : Sebastián Colle, Rodolfo Croce
Partner : María Michaël
City : Vicente López
Country : Argentina