该项目建议对一个农业仓库进行改造,重新规划为一个 “高级 “同居区。为了在同一建筑中容纳两个家庭单位,我们研究了每个家庭的生活方式。这使我们能够根据每种用途来规划和重组空间,具体到每个时刻所需的集体化程度。个人、夫妇、集体、甚至邻里空间都被纳入其中。

The project proposes the rehabilitation of an agricultural warehouse, reprogrammed as a “senior” cohabitation. In order to accommodate two-family units in the same building, the lifestyle of each individual family was studied. This allowed us to plan and reorganize the spaces according to each use, specific to the degree of collectivization required at each moment. Individual, couple, collective, and even neighborhood spaces were incorporated.


In order to solve the scale transition from warehouse to cohousing, the multiplicity of use spaces, and the gradients of privacy, the project proposes the insertion of a central equipped block. This new element permits the reconfiguration of the pre-existing open space into multiple subspaces, which are distributed both in plan and in section.


The nucleus is resolved by using a wall of compacted earth blocks (CEB). The block is distributed through 3 large units adapted to the program; it generates open spaces for storage or facilities, enclosed spaces with their own program, and passage spaces that interconnect or separate areas. At the same time, in order not to alter the original stone walls, the block concentrates all the installations of the cohousing.


In terms of comfort, this large earth block provides a high hygroscopic property, which compensates the low capacity of existing stone walls to humidity regulation. In addition, it compensates for part of the thermal inertia that is lost through the thermal insulation of the existing façades on its interior side.

Architects: arqbag
Area: 302 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Marc Díaz
Architects:Bernat Colomé Franco, Marc Díaz Gallego, Jordi Mitjans, Simona Cerri, Adrià Vilajoana, Alfonso Godoy
Colaborators:Esther Orús Alcalde, Carmen Bodelón De Frutos, Toni Quirant Garrido
Structural Consultants:Sergi Díaz Valdivia, Quim Escoda Llorenç
Technical Architect And Director Of Works Execution:Rafel Casanovas i Peñalver