
The challenge of the project was to design “… a studio that does not see the house, and a house that does not see the studio.” The house is immersed in a country context, where a piece of land is located, among beech trees. The design is conceived from the premise of not touching any tree.

空间层次被来自街道的通道桥所强调;一个斜坡从停车场上升,通向通往花园和书房的楼梯。这些入口汇聚在一个门廊里,作为一个分配器–平台,将公共空间和私人空间分开:一个无遮挡的边界,将森林框起来。房子 “上升”,以允许树根的生长,野生动物的通过;让雨水流动,防止与潮湿的土壤接触。因此,交叉通风除湿,使环境始终拥有舒适和健康。

The spatial hierarchy is accentuated with an access bridge from the street; a ramp ascends from the parking lot and leads to the stairs that lead to the garden and the study. These entrances converge in a portico that functions as a distributor – terrace and separates the public from the private space: a diaphanous boundary that frames the forest. The house “rises” to allow the growth of the roots of the trees, the passage of wild animals; let rainwater flow and prevent contact with wet soil. Thus, cross ventilation dehumidifies the environment to always have comfort and health.

相比之下,书房 “被埋没 “了,它与绿色屋顶的花园融为一体,以拥有从房子里看不到的风景。在书房里,一堵双层墙支撑着楼梯,保护其居民免受冬季寒风的侵袭,”洞穴效应 “与热质量一起维持着室内稳定的温度。这种有意在家庭和工作之间的划分使得两个世界的最佳状态得以实现:具有最大私密性的住所与生产空间同时存在。过渡空间也是一个区域和另一个区域之间的衔接,同时增强了对旺盛的大自然的看法。这就是你如何生活得更多……和更好。

In contrast, the study “is buried”, and is integrated into the garden with a green roof, to have a view from the house that cannot be perceived. In the study, a double wall supports the stairs and protects its inhabitants from the cold winter winds and the “cave effect” together with the thermal mass maintain a stable temperature inside. This intentional division between home and work allows the best of two worlds: the shelter with maximum privacy in simultaneity with the productive space. The transitional space is also one of articulation between one area and another while enhancing the views towards the exuberant nature. This is how you live more … and better.

Architects: ArquitectónicA Cecilia Yarmuch + Alejandro Aguilera
Area: 220 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Raúl Meza Yarmuch
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Owens Corning, Cemex, Adobe, Comex, Fester, Sherwin – Vwilliams Auotmotive Finishes
Lead Architect: Cecilia Yarmuch, Alejandro Aguilera
Collaborators:Sergio Amante, Reynaldo Martínez