这座桥横跨190英尺的峡谷,中间有一个令人窒息的缺口,它沿着原来的路线–在大陆上13世纪的门楼和突入海中的参差不齐的岬角或岛屿上的庭院之间的一条狭长的土地,早已被侵蚀而消失。这个历史性的交叉口是如此重要,以至于这个地方的名字也由此而来,康涅狄格语意为 “狭窄入口的堡垒”。

Spanning a 190-foot gorge and with a gasp-inducing gap in the middle, the bridge follows the line of the original route – a narrow strip of land, long lost to erosion – between the 13th-century gatehouse on the mainland and the courtyard on the jagged headland or island jutting into the sea. So significant was this historic crossing that it gave rise to the place’s name, the Cornish Din Tagell meaning “the Fortress of the Narrow Entrance”.

中世纪学者Geoffrey of Monmouth写道,这座陆桥是如此狭窄,以至于 “即使你有整个不列颠王国在你身边,三个武装人员也能保卫[它]”。传说中,不列颠国王乌瑟-潘德拉贡–被巫师梅林改造成康沃尔公爵的模样–偷越这条通道进入城堡,在那里与公爵的妻子伊格尔娜过夜,后者后来生下了未来的亚瑟王。康沃尔伯爵理查德对亚瑟神话印象深刻,在1230和1240年代,他在廷塔格尔建造了一座城堡,陆桥是其设计中不可或缺的一部分。

The medieval scholar Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote that this land-bridge was so narrow that “three armed men would be able to defend [it], even if you had the whole kingdom of Britain at your side”. Legend has it that the King of Britain, Uther Pendragon – transformed by the wizard Merlin into the likeness of the Duke of Cornwall – stole across this passage way into the castle where he spent the night with the Duke’s wife, Ygerna, who later gave birth to the future King Arthur. So impressed was Richard, Earl of Cornwall by the Arthurian myth that in the 1230s and 1240s he built a castle at Tintagel, with the land-bridge an integral part of its design.

这个渡口在15或16世纪消失了,但现在英国遗产局已经恢复了它,用钢、当地的康沃尔石板和橡木制成的人行桥取代了原来的岩石、泥土和草地。该桥建于普利茅斯,由Ney & Partner工程师和William Matthews Associates建筑事务所设计,由两个独立的悬臂组成,每个悬臂长约30米,从两边伸出,几乎在中间相接。

That crossing vanished in the 15th or 16th century but now English Heritage has restored it, replacing the original rock, earth and grass with a footbridge of steel, local Cornish slate, and oak. Built in Plymouth and designed by Ney & Partner engineers and William Matthews Associates Architectural Practice, the bridge consists of two independent cantilevers of approximately 30 metres length each that reach out from either side to – almost – touch in the middle.


At the centre of the bridge, a narrow gap (40mm) has been designed to represent the transition between the mainland and the island, the present and the past, history and legend. The elegant bridge complements the outstanding landscape and unlocks for the visitor the history of the site.


Tintagel Castle welcomes almost 250,000 visitors each year and the new footbridge will help to reduce congestion – especially at peak periods – and provide a step-free route onto the island, helping more people to enjoy a visit to the castle.


The bridge at Tintagel Castle is part of a larger £5m programme of works by English Heritage which includes improving the footpaths around the site, helping to limit the impact of visitors on the castle’s unique archaeology, and ecology.

Architects: William Matthews Associates; Engineers: Ney & Partners
Year: 2019
Photographs: Hufton & Crow, David Levene, Jim Holden
Landscape Architects: Nicholas Pearson Associates
Quantity Surveyor: Faithful & Gould
Geotechnical Engineers: Ramboll
Local Structural Engineer: HRW Engineers
Planning Consultant: CSJ Planning
Wind Tunnel Testing & Vibration Analysis:RWDI
Structural Engineers:NEY & Partners, NEY & Partners
Cost Consultant:Faithful & Gould
Country:United Kingdom