一个周末的房子,离圣地亚哥和Viña del Mar-Valparaíso城市群都很近,建在一条经常有雾的、被树木覆盖的小路上。

A weekend house located at a short distance from both Santiago and the Viña del Mar–Valparaíso conurbation, erected on an often misty, tree-covered side road.


Mirroring Corbusier’s cabanon style, this forest hut has been conceived as a haven for routine, a hideaway place to get in contact with nature.



We sought to play with the hut’s iconic image by making it resemble a child’s drawing of a house, creating thus a formal tension between the object and its representation.

The overly large openings and the oak waste revetment assert this double interpretation, both ironic and pop.

Architects: DX Arquitectos
Area : 132 m²
Year : 2014
Photographs :Pablo Blanco Barros
Manufacturers : Beagle, Chilemaderas, The Wall
Design Team : Juan Luzoro, Federico Novoa, Pablo Hip
Contractor : Francisco Briño
Año Proyecto : 2013
Architect In Charge : Juan Luzoro, Federico Novoa
City : Tunquen
Country : Chile